
About UFPR

Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), established in 1912, is a symbol of Curitiba, the capital city of the state of Paraná. It is one of the Top Ten Brazilian universities by any standard and stands among the 25 most prestigious in Latin America. UFPR is deeply commited to education, science, technology, innovation, culture and citizenship in benefit of the people of Paraná.

UFPR is a comprehensive public institution of higher education, financed in part by the federal budget, especially at the undergraduate level, as well as through federal and state research agencies and partnerships with the industries, both public and private, at the graduate level, research and the third mission.

UFPR is present in Curitiba, with five campuses, and in five cities in distinctive regions os Paraná, and comprises 14 academic units, responsible for undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as diverse professional training positions, e.g. medical, multi health professional and veterinary residency programs.

Faculty and staff are among the most prestigious, with 2,450 tenure holding professors, 70% of them holding a doctoral degree. Our scientists publish over 15,000 scientific products annually and are responsible for more than 395 pending patents.


Education at UFPR focuses on both theory and practical skills. Students obtain experiences which will helpp them in their future professional life. Several evaluations rank UFPR as best for market placement in the pursuit of a career.

Laboratories in-house and in-partnership are available to students of all schools. In human health sciences, the University holds one general hospital and one martenity hospital, one health promotion unit and partnerships with state and municipal government health hospitals and different experimental farms for animal care, welfare, handling and development.


The UFPR student may have basic medical care in the areas of dentistry, gynecology, psychiatry and medical clinics at any time during the school year.


UFPR encourages sports and leisure practices. Students are encouraged to take part in sports teams to represent the UFPR in University competitions. In the beginning of each school period, the best athletes are selected to take part in our sport teams.


UFPR holds a Center for Language and Interculturalism – CELIN and offers Portuguese as a foreign language in modules of 90 hours each, from basic to advanced levels.


INTEGRATE UFPR is a project dedicated to improving the hosting of international students. It comprises four lines of action: SUPPORT, INCLUDE, HOST and LODGE.

Support involves local students volunteers selected by project coordinator, functioning as student mentors to the exchange students from the moment they arrive. Help is extended from simple chores, as opening a bank account, chose housing, to more academic tasks.

Student monitors organize meetings with undergraduate and graduate exchange students at different UFPR campuses, and thus foster inclusion.

The outer and inner communities of UFPR offer lodging with charge to exchange students.


Undergraduate Programs


ERASMUS+: Edital de Seleção Mobilidade Discente de Pós Graduação PPGL/UFPR

ELAP: Edital de seleção interno de mobilidade de pesquisa (Saída 2025/2)

Comunicado ao alunos MITACS

Solicitação de Histórico (Envio Internacional)

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Universidade Federal do Paraná
Escritório de Relações Internacionais
Rua Dr. Faivre, 405, 2º andar
Fones: (41) 3360-5465 (secretaria e acordos) / 3360-5474 (mobilidade)
CEP 80.060-140 | Centro | Curitiba | PR | Brasil

©2025 - Universidade Federal do Paraná

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