
Resultados da pesquisa para palavra-chave: "mestrado"

The CSC scholarship covers the tuition fee, the accommodation, the comprehensive medical insurance and the monthly living allowance (CNY 3,000 for masters and CNY 3,500 for PhDs). The international air fare is not covered. The scholarship will be offered to the students during their stay at Beijing Institute of Technology for the period of the […]

AUI nas Redes Sociais

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Agência UFPR Internacional I AUI
Rua Dr. Faivre, 405, 2º andar
Fones: (41) 3360-5465 (secretaria e acordos) / 3360-5474 (mobilidade)
CEP 80.060-140 | Centro | Curitiba | PR | Brasil

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